domingo, 22 de marzo de 2009

Places to visit in London (XIII): a neverending list

Do you want more? Then, have it! London is a huge city with a fantastic rythm. Try and lose yourself around the streets. The best way to know a city is to walk. Please, walk along London. Yeah, of course, you will sometimes need to use public transport (double-deckers or subway). For that purpose, get an Oyster card in any underground station because it has the best prices. Now, more places to visit: Portobello Market, Notting Hill, Charing Cross Street, Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, the Mansion House, the Bank of England, Downing Street (residence of the Prime Minister), Guildhall, the Royal Exchange, the Barbican, the Museum of London, London Bridge, Lambeth Bridge, the River Bank Walkways, Parliament Square, Horse Guards, Whitehall, Westminster Bridge, Victoria Tower Gardens, St. James Palace, Hampton Court Palace, Victoria Station, Camden Market, Hampton Court, Wimbledon, Victoria Memorial, Admiralty Arch, Royal Albert Hall of Arys and Science, Regent's Park, Grosvenor Square, Leicester Square, Millennium Bridge, Southwark Cathedral, HMM Belfast, Hays Gallery... More? Well, some more museums are theTate Modern and Tate Britain, National Portrait Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum, Dickens House Museum, Imperial War Museum, Natural History Museum (lovely buiding and collection, I promise), Science Museum...

In conclusion, London is such a huge city that you will never get bored! I have just come back and I am willing to return as soon as possible!

4 comentarios:

Caroline ! dijo...

Comentario que no tiene nada que ver:
En los enlaces, tienes repetido el de "Edit-me".
Over and out.

Caroline ! dijo...

Si te gusta la fotografía, tienes que ver esto, sino también. Son fotos retocadas de Erik Johansen, aquí una mini galería:

No es que tenga algo que ver con este blog en sí... Pero es que me da pereza abrir el gmail.

Buenas noooches

Rocío dijo...

AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! Yo quieroooo!!! Snif, lo echo de menos... Qué bonito que es, madreeee.

Un beso con envidia londinense!

David Leal dijo...

Yes, you're completely right! I love it as well... Hugs!