martes, 2 de junio de 2009


Yeah, exams. Most of you are students... time to panic!! Exams are come!! They're gonna blow your brains off! You are going to lose your social life, friends and family. Horror! Terror! Suffering! Pain! Nights without sleep! Coffee! Don't take me seriously, just kidding. Exams are a step towards your future. You have to take them as everybody had, has and will have to. Just some tips... Do get organized as soon as possible in order to take advantage of your time. It's good to feel nervous before an exam (but do not nerves control you) because that means you have studied enough to pass the exam. Don't get blocked! If you read a line 10 times and you don't remember even a bit, please, take a break. You need to sleep at least 8 hours. You know yourselves, so you know beforehand which subjects are the most difficult and the easiest for you. Try to isolate yourselves in your study room. A piece of advice: do not listen to music. You normally play music you like and your mind flies towards it. It seems you are studying, but you aren't. No distractions at all, please (TV, computers, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU SHOULDN'T BE READING THIS!!!). This will only last a couple weeks and you will survive, I promise! Finally, dont worry, be happy! Good luck!!!!

7 comentarios:

Andrea dijo...

You're right.
Congratulations for the article!!

Andrea dijo...

By the way, do you know if we have passed the trinity exams??

Anónimo dijo...

I don´t worry ,I am happy because David is a good teacher.BUT.....
Why don´t put textes and questios for the exams ?
Why so tenses verbs in alls evaluations?
A mother

Caroline ! dijo...

Haaaaahahahhaha great post. I loved it !
(Yes, I shouldn't be reading this, but my brain is overloaded... I need a break, I need a Kit-kat )
Your final exam was more easier than the parcial exam... Or maybe I studied a little more.
The end is coming ! I'll miss your classes.

David Leal dijo...

Students can read, students can write...But it is better for them not to face a serious text as part of the exam depending on the stage! In any case, I will take it into account. Thanks!

David Leal dijo...

I will miss you and your class as well. Lovely group to teach; lots of laughter and good vibrations. Do not lose what you have there: good and real friends! I will miss you all! It's been a great pleasure and an honor to be your teacher!

- Luis - dijo...

Oh! This is really beautiful... I think I´m going to cry =D
The English classes had been (and will be)the funniest with your -violent- humour ;)
And the next year, more and better!!
[I can read the article because... I´m practically on holidays!!!]