domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

What about MY canon?

Why can't I create a canon? Would it be a criminal action? An antisocial

activity? Well, if so... These books you can see are part of my canon. Are they part of yours? Surely not. Am I wrong? I don't think so... What would your canon be? Do we have to exclude? I don't like this idea of excluding... Why not including? Why not making our thoughts words? What are my reasons to construct my canon? And yours?

2 comentarios:

Andrea dijo...

Hi teacher!!
Your blog is awesome, you're the best.
Soy Andrea de 3ºESO B.
Solo queria decirte que me gusta mucho tu blog. Por cierto, te he enviado un mail.
Bye!!!Y que estés bien!

David Leal dijo...

Hi Andrea,
thanks very much for your encouraging comments. Please, feel free to participate and tell the rest to do it as well. Take care!