miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

Ads Incorporated

Hello everyone, I have inserted the codes to provide you with ads. So far, most of them are about travelling, tourism, flights... However, if you don't feel comfortable with them, just let me know and I will try to delete them as soon as possible. Finally and most importantly: the ads are provided by Google, so there isn't a direct relationship ads-blog-myself. In other words, I am not responsible for their products or offers. Thanks very much for reading this!

3 comentarios:

Caroline ! dijo...

Actualiceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (L)

Caroline ! dijo...

Yes, you know, we all want to read more more M O R E .
Poor teacher, deberían darte la baja por enfermedad. Te están explotando, y tú no estás en condiciones físicas de ir a trabajar, por más que te mueras de ganas de darnos clase...
Espero que te mejores prontito.

David Leal dijo...

ASAP N¡I need time: exams, Trinity, lumbalgia, life, wife, friends, reading!