lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

Just a question...

Dear all, would you like this blog to have ads? If so, would you like to have ads directly related to the topics we are dealing with? If not, what type of ads would you like to receive? I am not willing to have ads, but this is not only my blog, but your blog. Please, do let me know as soon as possible. Thanks!

4 comentarios:

Caroline ! dijo...

Hmmm... Well, from now on I'm gonna to write in english.

But I've a lil' question...
The ads, how can benefit us? Can you give me an example?

David Leal dijo...

Well, I'm new to this. Maybe I could try to bring ads related to literature, books, workshops, english courses, etc. I would try to control the ads so that nothing strange appears (I'll try to do it, but, unfortunately, I'm not a web master, so there may be errors).

Caroline ! dijo...

Hmm, I'm studying for the exam of tomorrow, and I'm doing the exercises of your website "englishleal"... But they are no good, 'cos they're so easy (making a comparison with your exams).
Where can I find more difficult exercises ?

David Leal dijo...

Try these sites!

Let me know your opinion...